Sunday, April 07, 2013


The bucketlist is kinda over..... Sorry guys.

It's a long crappy story, but oh well.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Note from Landrover

So you guys should follow our tumblr ;) We don't use it to often, actually hardly ever. But if more people follow, we'll start posting there too!!

And follow Landrover's personal blog too!!
(Landrover's PERSONAL tumblr)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

#4-Go to a Concert Together!

It's been a long time!!
This being the first thing of our new year, we went to a concert. The one and only...Justin Beieber.

Ok yes. We don't like him that much. Catchy songs, but we still don't understand this swag thing he's doing...But Carly Rae Jepsen opened for him so it was all good!

Landrover's mom got tickets in the suite seats, and they were to awesome to pass up!

~Landrover and Sandbox

PS. Happy Birthday Josh Hutcherson <3 
Call me maybe? Call me never.


Suite Tickets <3 We don't even like Beiber.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Sandboxes Note

So we are all off to high school now, going in all different directions!

Good luck, starting your new journey everyone; especially Landrover and the sweaty grape! Hope you guys have a good day, hope to see you guys soon for a visit! <3

Ps. I miss everyone in general and wish them the best too! Hope they have great luck and do great. Come see meh sometimes guys! :)

Good luck Everyone! :D


Thursday, August 02, 2012