Sunday, July 08, 2012

#95-Attend Stampede

The Greatest Show on Earth!!

Yes, that's right!! 100 years of Stampede! It's this outdoor area with horse riding, a midway filled with games, and all the food(If you consider deep fried Oreos food) you could want!

We went with Landrover's brother and his friend, and we met up with our friend from school, and Landrover's friend from her dance class.

This was an amazing time, and we have another memory with us :)
Totally thought sitting up here was smart. YES IT WAS.
Donkeys :)
Lime Lemonade 
Landrover-and a giant corndog
How Canadians drink Apple Juice
Sandboxes horse

#24-Get Fake Tattoos

No surprise we want tattoos. To bad we can't get them!! So we got Henna done.

Henna is this paste, and when it dries and peels off, it leaves a fake tattoo, and lasts for a few weeks!

Sandbox got a feather, and Landrover got music notes.
Landrover's Music Notes
Henna :D
Sandboxes Feather

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

#71-Condiment Shots

If you're ever bored, this is the thing to do.

Condiment Shots, also known as watered down condiments, being drank from shot glasses. #YOLO

Sandbox decided to do Mustard and actually drank it! Landrover did ketchup and was such a baby because she threw up. Not pleasant. It is the worst thing anyone could ever drink, ever.

*disclosure* Not saying you shouldn't try this at home, but if you want to, go ahead. It won't kill you, but a big tip is not using a lot of the condiment and not so much water. And please, for our sake; Do it in the bathroom!
Landrover Attempting To Down Ketchup.. 
Sandbox Trying mustard!
Result of Landrover Downing Ketchup..

#98-Star Wars Marathon!!

Our friends, Daisy, Oven and Grinch joined us for our 13.6 hour star wars marathon.

See, we're huge geeks; we had to do this. It's funny really. Sitting in Daisy's basement watching movies and playing rock band like pros. Except for you Daisy, you suck at singing, and apparently it takes Sandbox and Oven together just to do bad at drums, and the Grinch has got to stop picking hard songs he's never heard of! And Oven you got to stop hitting people with drum sticks.

Not sure what happened here. This turned into star wars to rock band to hide and seek, to Super 8, to Vampires Suck, Mr.Poppers Penguins, and then lastly The Spy Next Door. Seriously-Our butts are so sore from sitting all day.

We also learned that tennis players have one really buff arm and one skinny one (Thank you Grinch for pointing that out) and that when that happens, one man-boob is bigger than the other.

Being pretty much one of our last times together, this was really special to us. Sandbox and Oven are leaving us next year, and we'll miss them so much! So they better call us sometime...
The definition of a lonely gamer who lives in his basement.
Oh Daisy....

#38-See if Bloody Mary is real

Myth Busted. Bloody Mary isn't real, obviously. Both of us knew it wasn't, but we had to try it anyways.

No pictures for this one people! So sorry, but we didn't know what to take a picture of this time...We'll make up for it soon though!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

#80-Poke a random person on Facebook

Being the creepers we are, we wanted to poke someone totally random on Facebook. This was difficult because so many people lock their profiles for pokes from strangers.

To be honest, we had to cheat on this one. We poked one of Landrover's friends who Sandbox doesn't know. Totally against the rules, but that was the best we could do!

We also couldn't show who we poked (Because we don't have their permission) making this a bit more difficult.

#56-Hug a tree

Tree Huggers!!!

Literally. Trees are amazing, and so important to the environment, for helping us breathe and for aesthetics. To show our appreciation to Trees, we hug them :)

Happy Canada Day Everyone! Our home and native land <3 class="separator" data-blogger-escaped-div="div" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">

#102-Go Shoeing

Shane. Freaking. Dawson.

The highlight of Landrover's week is watching his videos. They're so funny and amazing to watch, and his characters are the best!

This Bucketlist idea was inspired by one of Shane Dawson's daily vlogs, where they went "shoeing". This is where you take your shoes off and wear them on your hands so your hands look like feet.

Here's our try at shoeing, enjoy! :)
Oh and please, if you want to, go check out his videos.

Side Notes From Landrover

These last couple posts are some of the ones of the schools things we did together and they'll be some of the last, but we're going to try to make it work. Sandbox got into a very advanced placement art program at a different high school, while I am staying at the one I was going to go to in the first place for their band program (and because thats my district)

Even though most of our friends are going to the same school, we'll make it work with Sandbox and our amazing friends we've made over the years. I love you all and wish you best of luck <3
Some of the amazing moments this year are below :D
Oh, and if Daisy and Oven are reading this too, Nerd Crew will never fall apart. Pinky promise! :D

-Love Landrover

Ps. Sandbox I can't believe you ditched me!! Bwhaha I'm kidding. Good luck!
Seriously going to miss this :(

How we band kids do things

Band Camp <3 This was an amazing time
Last band concert together.
Here are the Blues Brothers, or two and a half men.